Language Code
exhibition – workshop – screening
opening 17-18-19-20 MARCH 2011
Tlf: (+34)933020630
Dirección:C/ Sant Pau 58 Bajos
08001 Barcelona
metro: Liceu
An exhibition about code, failure aestehtics, narratives, art&language, digital art, minimalism, conceptual art. Influenced by the media theories as the language of media by marshal mc luhan, the turing machine by allan turing, roy ascott, … A project about the mechanization of life into a global computer intelligent system of knowledge through a brain powerfull connectivity . code as language, drawing as language, capitalism as language, maths as language, music as language….
Exhibition will show as well documentation of Wittgenstein, Futurism, Art&Language, Fluxus, Sol Lewitt, John Cage, …In collaboration with Conservas / La Agencia / / LiminalB / Taxonomedia / Stuff in a Blank / MOT International / Hollybush Gardens / Ritter-Zamet /
An exhibition about computer code, contemporary narratives, digital art, minimalism and conceptual art. It is exploring the different discourses in the social science (politics, programming or music) to understand the evolution of language, from Wittgenstein to Casey Reas. It also expresses the logical purpose of language based in intentionality for the development, progress and evolution of this human science based in linguistics and semiotics. In this way, databases and programming codes are the most sophisticated languages in evolution. As L. Wittgenstein concluded, the best way to express an idea, rather than from paragraph, is the sentence. Here begins a way to think through propositions, closely related to minimalism, where the phrase as a unitary and essential expression refers to the essence of computing and programming language.
Participating artists:
Konrad Becker (Autonomedia). Strategic Reality Dictionary. book
Jorn Ebner. JC (remixed). A selection of 10 Electronic Drawings used for Ars Electronica Festival 2006 commission, a visualisation for Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra by John Cage 10 drawings contact: Doerrie * Priess
Rupert Goldsworthy . Consuming//Terror : Images of the Baader-Meinhof. Verlag Dr Muller, 2010.
Karl Holmqvist. I’m with you in rockland. 2005. video
Fran Ilich. Ensayos de literatura online. Nuevas narrativas digitales. El zorro de la mesa. Sound work. Different chapters.
Michael Kargl aka Carlos Katastrofsky (contx3t). Landscapes. Prints.
Ambient Information Systems. Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel. Love, Piracy and the Office of Religious Weblog Expansion. performance, installation, online project, artists book.
Joseph Moore, Permutation Software generating poems of Brion Gysin, video 4.32min.
Laure Provoust. OWT. Video DVD 2 min. 2007.
Roy Ascott, Blackboard Notes, 1967, Poster special, edición de 1000, producido por KURATOR para la exposición “After the Net 2.0”, 2009.
– thursday 17/03/2011 at 18.00H OPENING.
– saturday 19/03/2011 at 16.00H TALKS; the weight of words, de stuff in an blank. on-line exhibitions.with miquel garcia, lua coderch
– saturday 19/03/2011 at 18.00H TALKS: media art. conservation and distribution. with Vanina hofman and angie bonino
– sunday 20/03/2011 at 18.00H SCREENING.
Laure Prouvoust, OWT, Video DVD 3 min. 2007,
John Angel Roka, Re-write the body, DVD 7min. 2005,
Claudius Maximus, New Experiments (video),
Noishx, Transcode,
Anaisa Franco, Parnoia, Dream Machine,
Ricardo Cancado, Representa Corisco, music by filastine, 2010
Joseph Moore, Permutation Sofwre, Poems by Brion Gysin, 2010.
-during the exhibition, WORKSHOP contemporary art theory, based in texts of EIPCP, and using Cut-up method of Burroughs, reintepretating Kathrin Busch, Hito Steyerl, Casey Reas, Guy E. Debord, Thomas Dreher, Art&Language, Walter Benjamin, Ludwig Wittgenstein,….Opening 17th thursday march 2011 at 18H exhibition runs from 17th to 20th march 2011 from 10h-14h and 16h-20h
Venue: Conservas ART that Works. Art, politics and other excess. Space in constantevolution for creation, interchange, conexions, experimentation,learning and transformation in general. Conservas is also a theatercompany. Conservas produces actions, media-actions and other Tools.Conservas is finally, a festival bienal that allows us see and represent what is happening. Conservas is not a placebo cultural info[at] Tlf: (+34)933020630Dirección: C/ Sant Pau 58 Bajos 08001 Barcelona metro: Liceu